Ear acupuncture intervention for trauma, substance misuse, abuse, dependence and related behavioral and mental health conditions.
This involves a simple, standardized five-point auricular (ear) acupuncture modality and/or magnetic beads all within the context of addictions and behavioral health treatment.
AcuDetox supports the treatment and recovery process by making you feel stronger from the inside.
Has been shown to significantly decrease cravings for alcohol and drugs, withdrawal symptoms, relapse episodes, anxiety, insomnia, and agitation.
Often helps participants become more relaxed and comfortable with their own thoughts, enabling them to experience a sense of letting go of tensions and apprehensions.
Helps the development of a meditation like state.
Clients have reported: relaxation, stress reduction, craving reduction, withdrawal symptom reduction, mental clarity, increased sense of purpose/wellbeing, better sleep, more energy, better appetite.
To find out more or to schedule an AcuDetox Session - call/text Tara at 276-200-4521 or you can email at and she will get you set up!